Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our last day in Rome L it was sad as Rome was one of my favorites. The day was pretty stressful. We had a music lecture that got out at 9:30. On the schedule, and at the welcome dinner, it was made known to the group that we were having a tour of roman churches from 10:30-12:30, and that we would meet at the lobby at 9:45. Amanda and I had written the times down as well. We went up to our rooms to drop our stuff off and were back in the lobby at promptly 9:55. However, no one was to be found! We were baffled, as we had discussed with people in the elevator that we were leaving at 10. Turns out, that they had already left.
Amanda and I were upset and tried running to the train. We knew that they were going to the Parthenon sometime during the tour so we decided to just take the metro there and try to find the group. We took the metro, got off, and never found anyone. It was a pretty rainy day so we were just going to walk around and maybe duck in a few stores to look around. After the second store, wee just so happened to run into Eric. In the middle of Rome, it was very cool to run into someone. He had just called someone and got directions to the church they were currently at. We were able to walk over there together to meet up with the group. Our leader apologized profusely and was very nice about it. I know that it was a misunderstanding, but I was still a little upset. Our professor also apologized and we were not counted tardy or absent.
We continued on with the group on the walking tour of the Roman churches. We have to see some very amazing cathedrals. After a little over 2 hours, our tour concluded in the Parthenon, which was also very beautiful. After the tour ended, we grabbed a sandwich and headed to see the Triebe fountain. It is one of the most well recognized places in Italy. Also, there is a myth that if you throw three coins over your shoulder and don’t look back, you will one-day return to Rome. We did this, but unfortunately, none of us could resist the urge to look back!
After the fountain, it started to grow late. We quickly made it over to the Spanish steps before dark before getting back on the metro. Back at our hotel, we packed and ate one of the most delicious dinners of the trip at the hotel. It was a very laid back and relaxing day with the small exception of the mix up of the times in the morning. I will be very sad to leave rome!

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